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Our Governing Body

Our Governors are all dedicated to the continuous improvement of our schools and come from all walks of life. 

Our Governing Body

Considering the requirement to ensure that individuals cannot be identified through the publication of data, the close knit nature of our communities, the small numbers of governors and staff it is not appropriate to publish diversity data.

All governing boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:

•       Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

•       Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

•       Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


In our schools, the full board meets throughout the year, between these meetings individual governors are responsible as Lead Governors for a portfolio, and have delegated responsibility for defined areas of work. You can find out which areas our governors are responsible for in our Register of Business Interests below. We are abiding by our duty to publish relevant business and pecuniary interests and attendance at meetings of all governors. We also sign up to Code of Conduct - this can be viewed below:



In addition the board has the following committees:

  • Pay and performance committee, which meets three times a year, with delegated responsibility for ensuring that staff appraisal is appropriately carried out.

  • Head teachers’ appraisal committee, which carries out the head teacher’s appraisal.

  • 1st (Hearings) Committee and 2nd (Appeals) committee are convened as required to consider any formal proceedings, such as a staff disciplinary issue or the permanent exclusion of a pupil (extremely rare in our case).


The terms of reference for each for each lead governor, committee and panel can be found in the Scheme of Delegation below. They explain what delegated authority the governor or committee has been given to make decisions on behalf of the board. 


Any work undertaken by Lead Governors is reported to the full board at their next meeting - you can view approved minutes of the full board below:



If you would like more information on the work we do to ensure continuous improvement in all aspects of school life, to apply to join the governing board or to contact a governor please contact the Clerk, Jo Williams, at or our Chair, Sian Jenkins, at 




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