SEND, Equality
and Diversity
We are dedicated to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all across our school communities. We support children to be the best they can be irrespective of gender, race, faith or religion, disability, or socio-economic background - in line with the Equality Act, 2010.
Through our school values and design of our curriculum, we strive to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school celebrate difference. Children at our schools feel proud of their identity and are able to participate fully in school life. A wide range of opportunities are provided to enable children to shine and be the best they can be.
Our equality objectives are to:
ensure the culture of our schools encourages all stakeholders to treat each other with respect.
develop curious children who can all access the curriculum and any enrichment activities equally.
give all the learners the confidence to become the best they can be and achieve their full potential.
develop a curriculum which encourages compassionate children who understand and celebrate difference.
dedicate time to allowing children to take ownership of their curriculum and explore how they can make a difference to the local community and the world.
ensure all policies and procedures support equality and diversity.
West Berry Federation ensures that necessary provision is made for any pupil who has disabilities or special educational needs. Our holistic and family centered approach ensures that all staff in school can identify and provide for those pupils who have disabilities or special educational needs, to allow all pupils to access the school curriculum and related activities. The wishes of the parents and the children are at the forefront of our provision and communication plays a key role in ensuring successful support. We use a graduated approach to helping children with disabilities or special educational needs, and seek advice from outside agencies and/or funding when relevant.