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STaying in contact

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Contacting school staff

There will not be the opportunity for parents to pop in and see their child’s teacher as children must be dropped off at the school gate in the morning and parents should not come onto the school site.  If you have any information to pass to your child’s teacher please email the parents address. If you have an issue that you need to discuss with a member of staff, please call the school office and we’ll arrange a time for a member of staff to call you back.


Maintaining contact with or meeting other parents

Parents at both schools have established a parent Facebook page as a way for parents to safely connect and communicate with each other.   These pages are being run by parents of children at our schools independently of school.  In the past, parents have posted spelling lists, school letters and useful tips and we hope this will continue to be a useful source of information and sharing.  We have new families joining both of our schools.  In the absence of playground gatherings and social events, please do what you can to welcome these new families and ensure that none of our families become isolated during these different times. 


Thank you to those parents who have set up and are maintaining these Facebook groups and to all those parents who have contributed to them.


West Down parents should search Facebook for:  West Down School Buddies

Berrynarbor parents should search Facebook for: Berry parents

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Video chat rules

Please talk to your child to ensure they understand the following rules.  When staff are part of a video call they will insist on these rules.  We will encourage children to apply these rules when using video calls to communicate with friends and family.



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